MP3s are for sampling purposes only. Please buy the album if you like what you hear. If you have a complaint about the ownership of a track, picture or text, please contact me ( directly and I will be sure to remove it at request as soon as possible. Also, all songs featured here will now be removed within one to two weeks of posting.

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

"Young and Foolish" by Alistair Fitchett book

A few people have been asking about how they can get hold of a copy of Young and Foolish. The book is ten years old this year, and I have to admit that my original stock of copies was used up a long time ago. In the past year or two I have been picking up second hand copies as a little stockpile for friends, but this has dried up somewhat recently. With a copy going for twenty quid recently on Amazon marketplace, I figured it was about time people were able to get hold of it without being ripped off, so I’ve just put together a PDF version, which you can download here. Thanks to Rupert and Stride Books for first of all publishing the thing at the time, and also for allowing me to make it available in this way now.

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