MP3s are for sampling purposes only. Please buy the album if you like what you hear. If you have a complaint about the ownership of a track, picture or text, please contact me ( directly and I will be sure to remove it at request as soon as possible. Also, all songs featured here will now be removed within one to two weeks of posting.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2008

The Go Betweens Songbook (April 2008)

The Go-Betweens Songbook is being issued in April, to coincide with the release of The Evangelist. The book comprises music and lyrics for 26 Go-Betweens songs, an extensive essay on the history of the band by Klaus Walter, many previously unpublished photographs and an introduction by Robert Forster. The book will be available by mail order from or directly from the publisher, Schott Music. The book is published on 4th April 2008.


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